
Mt. Diablo’s Thirty-Two Salad Bars and Counting

Mt. Diablo’s Thirty-Two Salad Bars and Counting

By: Emily Miller

Mt. Diablo Unified School District in northern California has a devilishly good salad bar program thanks to the hard work and dedication of Food Service Director Anna Fisher. Fisher, who began her career as a clinical dietitian, transitioned to school food service 19 years ago and hasn’t looked…

Developing Fresh Relationships with Local Producers

Developing Fresh Relationships with Local Producers

Stocking Your Salad Bar

By: Beth Collins

The winter has been very persistent where I live up in the northwest corner of Michigan’s mitten, but right around this time I start dreaming of planting seeds and gardens. Our farmers, however, have been working their winter plans since their last harvest of the…

New Jersey Serves Up Education and Creativity

New Jersey Serves Up Education and Creativity

Instead of insisting that students take one fruit or vegetable each day at lunch, West New York School District (WNYSD) students willingly fill their lunch trays with healthy produce. Occasionally, Sal Valenza, the WNYSD nutrition services director, will point to a student’s tray and ask: “Are you sure you’re going…

Laying it on the Line

Laying it on the Line

Vegetable and Fruit Placement for your Salad Bar

By: Beth Collins

In our last blog we discussed salad bar location ‒ where it’s placed within the lunchroom. Before the hot line? Integrated into the service line? After the hot line? Before the POS? Every school site is different and presents different challenges…

Location, Location, Location

Location, Location, Location

When a district is first considering reconfiguring their menu planning to include a salad bar (aka “harvest”, “veggie,” “fruit and veggie,” and “garden” bar) the concept alone is very attractive. Why? The salad bar assists in meeting the vegetable subgroup requirement, it offers that coveted “student choice” we always talk…

Bristol, Vermont’s Abundant Salad Bar Program

Bristol, Vermont’s Abundant Salad Bar Program

From School Gardens to Slice-and-Dice Competitions: Addison Northeast Food Service Cooperative (ANFSC)

Number of kids enrolled at ANFSC: 1,600
Number of schools in district: 6
Percentage who are free and reduced: 40%
Number of local farms worked with in a given year: 10
Kids’ favorite local produce: Berries, apples, carrots,…