Frequently Asked Questions: Grant Application Process

By Messa
Our Salad Bars to Schools program administrator fields regular inquiries regarding the grant application process. This blog will address some of the most common questions so you can submit a successful application and have a strong understanding of the program and what you will receive. If you have a question that is not answered here, feel free to reach out to
I am interested in applying for a salad bar but I need a specific type. Do you support bars other than the Cambro Versa Salad Bar seen on your website?
At this time, we only donate insulated, non-electric Cambro Versa Salad Bars. If you or your district are concerned about keeping food cold, we suggest that you share these temperature retention test results with your local health authority. These results show that the insulated Cambro/Versa Salad Bars can hold a safe temperature of under 41 degrees for a period of 4 hours. Should these bars not meet the needs of your district, we do occasionally accommodate a request for electric bars; however, they are significantly more expensive and can prove to be more challenging to fund. If this is the case, your wait time may be much longer. You can view the exact specifications of the Cambro Versa Salad Bar here.
How long will it take to receive a salad bar after our application has been approved?
After we approve a salad bar application, it can take 12-18 months on average to fund each request for salad bars. It often takes less time, but this is due to the nature of how our program works, and the number of schools on our waitlist. On average, we have anywhere from 300 – 500 school districts with requests for salad bars at any given time.
Do we have to raise money for our salad bar?
You do not have to raise money for your salad bar. As a partnership, we take on the responsibility of funding your bars. You may perform Supplementary Fundraising to accelerate the funding of your salad bar(s), but you are not required to do this. Once your application has been approved, your district will automatically be included on our Donate a Salad Bar page, where your supporters can make direct donations to your district online. Physical checks* can be mailed to us at:
Salad Bars to Schools
℅ Chef Ann Foundation
5445 Conestoga Ct, Ste 150
Boulder, Colorado 80301
*Please be sure to include the name of the district or independent school on the memo line of all checks.
My school is a charter/public/specialty school. Am I still allowed to apply for the grant?
Any school participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is eligible to apply for our salad bar grants. Schools that do not participate in the NSLP are encouraged to take advantage of the free resources throughout The Lunch Box to assist you in planning and implementing a salad bar in your school.
I am a parent/teacher/community member of a district. Can I apply for a salad bar on behalf of my district?
Unfortunately, our applications must be filled out by or directly supervised by a district Food Service Director. The application asks some detailed questions they will need to answer and the ultimate responsibility of incorporating the salad bar into their daily food planning and purchasing will be held by them. We encourage you to share this grant opportunity with your local school and district and have some resources you might find useful:
- Top 10 Reasons Why Your School Should Have a Salad Bar
- Salad Bars to Schools Executive Summary
- Template Letter to School District
Ready to submit your application? Access our grant portal here and visit the Salad Bars to Schools website for more information.