Experience our New Site

Hello and welcome to the new Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools (LMSB2S) website! First, you’ve already discovered our revamped blog, The Mix, where we will keep you updated on news, stories, and tips for salad bar success. Next, we recommend visiting our Get a Salad Bar section that has a path for “School Districts” and another path for “Parents” since so many caregivers have asked us about how they can get involved. We also suggest reading through the executive summary of our first evaluation, which includes an infographic that highlights some tremendous results. From there, jump on over to our Donate to the Program section to see which school districts are in the queue for receiving salad bars. If you are feeling generous, you could even donate to a specific school district or to our general fund so that our donees receive their salad bars more quickly.
Last, but certainly not least, we would love it if you would visit Our Sponsors page and consider letting these awesome businesses know just how much you appreciate their do-gooding. A quick click through to their respective websites should easily lead you to their social media links where you could post something like: “Hey! I saw that you are a supporter of Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools. Keep up the great work!” If after looking through the new LMSB2S site you spot something that is missing or still have questions (did we mention we have lots of helpful FAQs?), feel free to contact us directly. We’d love to hear from you.
The Salad Bar Crew
P.S. Do you live in Wyoming? Can you believe that is the only state that doesn’t have a LMSB2S salad bar? If you know a school food service director there, we would be ecstatic to receive an application from them. Go WY!